Cheryl Fraser

Cheryl Fraser, Ph.D

Certified Gottman Therapist and Contributor

Sharp, frank and fearless, that’s Buddhist sex therapist, psychologist, author, and speaker Dr. Cheryl Fraser. With a rare combination of academic credibility, humor, straight talk, and life-changing advice, she has helped thousands of couples jumpstart their love life and create passion that lasts a lifetime.  She has taught for Tony Robbins and Jack Canfield, appeared on television and podcasts, and writes about love and sex for magazines. Dr. Cheryl’s online immersion program for couples Become Passion brings her work to your own living room. Learn more and get on the waitlist. Listen to her podcast Sex, Love & Elephants here. Her book Buddha’s Bedroom: The Mindful Loving Path to Sexual Passion and Lifelong Intimacy is available now. For more information or to sign up for weekly LoveBytes, visit her website and check out her videos on YouTube.

Cheryl's Posts

Couple using the power of touch to strengthen their relationship

Touch More, Touch Often 

Cheryl Fraser

How to strengthen fondness and admiration - without saying a thing ...

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Couple having a romantic date.

Date Your Mate!

Cheryl Fraser

Why date night rejuvenates long term relationships - if you do it right. ...

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Couple enjoying the holidays

Make This Holiday Season Sexy

Cheryl Fraser

Turn holiday stressors into opportunities to create new romantic rituals to make this holiday season sexy. ...

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photo of couple arguing

‘It’s Not My Fault!’: Why Defensiveness is Damaging

Cheryl Fraser

Don’t get defensive. Do this instead. ...

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Blog_This Valentine's Day Burn Your Romance Novels

This Valentine’s Day Burn Your Romance Novels

Cheryl Fraser

Don’t let a fictional soulmate make you miss the magic of your real-life relationship ...

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After the Argument: How to Begin Again

After the Argument: How to Begin Again

Cheryl Fraser

Tools for making up instead of breaking up ...

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four things to never say to a woman

Setting a Daily Love Aspiration

Cheryl Fraser

Be intentional about showing how much you care ...

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sexual desire

How to Get in the Mood for Sex (Even When You Aren’t Feeling It)

Cheryl Fraser

Don’t wait for passion. Instead, choose to become passion. ...

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mindful apology

The Art of the Mindful Apology: Why ‘Sorry’ is Not Enough

Cheryl Fraser

Three key steps to apologizing with meaning. ...

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walk on the beach

Reboot Your Relationship in Four Easy Steps

Cheryl Fraser

Dr. Cheryl Fraser explains four simple ways to bring your relationship back to life. ...

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Valentine's Day

Your Recipe for a Perfect Valentine’s Date: The 3 Key Ingredients for Love and Passion

Cheryl Fraser

Creating romance is easier than you think. ...

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The Top Myths about Lust and Love and How They can Ruin Your Sex Life (Part Two)

Cheryl Fraser

In this article, Certified Gottman Therapist Dr. Cheryl Fraser continues to debunk love life ideas that you've got to be in ...

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The Top Myths about Lust and Love and How They can Ruin your Sex Life (Part One)

Cheryl Fraser

If you're worried your sex life is over, sex therapist Dr. Cheryl Fraser is here to dismantle the beliefs that mess ...

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The Three Keys to Passion

Cheryl Fraser

What are the components of the passion triangle? ...

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Couple in bed

My Wife Wants to Open the Relationship. Is Our Marriage Over?

Cheryl Fraser

A sex therapist weighs in on open relationships and how to make monogamy hot again. ...

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