Laura Silverstein

Laura Silverstein, LCSW

Gottman Certified Therapist & Contributor

Amazon bestselling author Laura Silverstein, LCSW has thirty years in the field and has been certified in the Gottman Method since 2011. She collaborates with The Gottman Institute as a research clinician, speaker, trainer, and writer, and is best known for her positive, action-oriented style. Silverstein’s new book, Love Is an Action Verb is a relatable, surprisingly humorous relationship self-help book to read alone or with your partner. Get your copy here.

Laura's Posts

Couple not talking where one person is stonewalling.

What Is the Difference Between Stonewalling and Gaslighting?

Laura Silverstein

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What Porcupines Can Teach Us About Making Love

Laura Silverstein

Dr. Gottman's "porcupine sex" story is a comical depiction of an all-too-familiar dynamic between men and women in the bedroom. ...

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Help! Someone Told Me I’m Stonewalling

Laura Silverstein

Stonewalling is dramatically misunderstood. It is not the icy indifference that it might appear to be on the surface. ...

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How to Deal with Passive Aggressive Behavior

How to Deal With Passive-Aggressive Behavior in Your Relationship

Laura Silverstein

Whether it's a backhanded compliment or a subtle eye-roll, learn how to identify passive aggression and what to do about it. ...

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Help My Spouse Wont Go to Therapy

Help! My Partner Won’t Go to Therapy

Laura Silverstein

Is it possible for one person to improve a relationship on their own? ...

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Little Lies

The Big Debate over Little Lies

Laura Silverstein

Are they as innocent as you think? ...

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Not Having Fun

Not Having Fun in Your Relationship? Here’s How to Fix It

Laura Silverstein

Add play and adventure back into your relationship ...

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What to Do When Your Partner Comes Out to You

Laura Silverstein

A confession about gender identity or sexual orientation within a relationship can bring conflicting feelings. What do you do next? ...

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#AskGottman: Work/Life Balance Answers

Laura Silverstein

The Gottman Institute answers your questions about how to have work/life balance on the blog series #AskGottman. ...

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