Anna Aslanian, LMFT


Anna Aslanian is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the states of California, Florida, and New York. She’s the founder and director of a boutique practice My Therapy Corner. Anna is a Certified Gottman Therapist and a Bringing Baby Home Educator. Additionally, she is a Certified EMDR and Attachment-EMDR trauma therapist. She is trained in a variety of modalities such as Polyvagal Theory, Acceptance Commitment Therapy and more. Her specialties include couples/relationship work, addiction, trauma and anxiety. Anna provides consultations and supervisions to professionals as well as a variety of therapeutic services to clients. Visit her website, follow her on Instagram or like My Therapy Corner on Facebook.

Anna's Posts

Authenticity in Relationships

Anna Aslanian

To create a close, intimate connection we need to be authentic in our relationship. However, this is easier said than done. ...

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Woman helping partner feel better

Am I Codependent?

Anna Aslanian

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Why can't we compromise?

Why Can’t We Compromise?

Anna Aslanian

Compromising doesn’t mean giving up core needs. ...

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dating anxiety

Dating Anxiety: How to Move Forward

Anna Aslanian

Have you experienced dating anxiety? You're not alone. ...

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How to Heal from Past Relationships

Am I Too Traumatized to be in a Relationship?

Anna Aslanian

Dating when you have trauma can be challenging, but not impossible. ...

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How to Deal with Shame

How to Deal with Shame

Anna Aslanian

What story from your life makes you go into hiding? ...

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secrets in therapy

Are You Keeping Secrets from Your Therapist?

Anna Aslanian

Therapy can help as long as you're being honest in your sessions. ...

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conversational boundaries without stonewalling

Conversational Boundaries without Stonewalling

Anna Aslanian

Difficult conversations can lead to flooding. Here are steps to remain calm while staying present for yourself and your partner. ...

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“Small ‘T’ trauma” and Its Effect on Dating

Anna Aslanian

Want a fulfilling relationship? It all begins with knowing and healing the real you. ...

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Betrayal Trauma in Addiction

Anna Aslanian

Betrayal trauma hits the foundation of the person and the relationship—trust. ...

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How to Stop Detached Dating and Create Real Connection

Anna Aslanian

Tips for dating in a more meaningful way. ...

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