Genesis Games

Genesis Games, LMHC


Genesis Games is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and the owner of a virtual practice located in Sunny South Florida. She is a Level 3 Gottman Method trained couples therapist. She works with individuals and couples navigating a variety of relationship issues and life adjustments. Genesis is passionate about making relationship wellness and mental health information readily accessible and easy to digest. She has created a complementary and interactive online course on healthy relationships. Visit her website for more information on her work.  Follow her on Twitter and Instagram.

Genesis's Posts

holiday heartbreak pain

Holiday Heartbreak: Understanding the Pain and Moving Through It

Genesis Games

Holiday heartbreak is painful, but these steps can help you move forward. ...

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Blog_Social Media and Dating Relationships

The Impact of Social Media on Relationships

Genesis Games

Is social media a threat to your relationship wellness? ...

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5 Tips to Keep the Friendship Alive

Genesis Games

Can you be friends and lovers? Yes! ...

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The Deeper Meaning of Trust

Genesis Games

What emotional safety looks like in a healthy relationship ...

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couple looking at the sunset

Communication Tips for Interfaith Couples

Genesis Games

Are religious differences causing strife in your relationship? ...

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